Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hayden 3 year old Pictures

Thing have been slowing down now for a bit at our house Brian finished his finals with flying colors and is now very excited for a long break. We have been mostly going to the park and to the pool so we are getting nice tans for summer. 
Hayden is still busy as ever and loves to swim, ride his bike, feed the ducks, and just about anything else we drag him to do. He amazes all the time with the new things he is learning and now has started telling me. 
This summer is going to be a busy one so here is some of the places we will be this summer and hopefully we will get to see everyone. 
This month we might be headed to Oregon to help my sister move if all goes well with the purchasing of their new house. Then we will head to Idaho for Brian's class reunion the 27-29, sorry my class mates I won't make it to ours this year. In July I have girls camp and will be up there the for the 2nd week of July then we are headed to back to Idaho on the 22nd Brian's brother Dale is coming home from his mission that week so we will spend a few days there and then its off to Eastern Idaho for the Eckersell Family Reunion the last week of July. I hope to see as much family and as many friends as I can. So it is going to be a busy summer for us.  

Now for the fun part pictures. 

So Saturday Brian and I decided to take Hayden and do his 3 year old pictures. I have been slacking and not having a photographer around it didn't get done as soon as I had hoped. But I think they turned out pretty cute. 
We went to our local arboretum, which is huge, and so much fun to walk around. 

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