Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hayden Turns 2

Hayden is such a wonderful boy. At his two year appointment he weighed in at 26.4 lbs and was 34 1/2 " tall.  The doctor says he is doing great! He is getting so big and is so smart. He loves puzzles, books and letters. His favorite movie is Cars and loves Blue's Clues. Finally I am starting to understand him and the things he says. 

 This is his cake this year not as creative as last year but I did make the frosting all by myself, (for those of you who don't know I always have my mom make it because she makes the best). But I finally got brave and and did it and it turned out great. I did get in trouble with this cake Hayden wanted his toys back.
 Trying to blow out his candles but having some problems. He gets his bottom lip out too far and the air just goes up .
 So Brian is trying to hold his lip down.

 "I did it haha!"
 Opening a new tie from Gma & Gpa Christensen He opened it up and said "WOW" he was very excited.
 This is the Jacket that Gma Eckersell found him he loves it too and tries to put it on.
 Of course Gpa Craig & Gma Paula found him a great toy that he wants to open so bad. we had to go exchange it today the truck didn't have the sticker for the eyes. It was a little creepy haha.
And I had to post this picture this is my niece Preslee giving Bennett kisses she is a open mouth kisser. 

It was a great day other than I had to work. I can't believe how fast he is growing up.

Well we will be moving in July!

Most of you know but for those who don't Brian was accepted to Medical School in Yakima Washington. He will begin classes the beginning of August so we will be moving there sometime in July. For now Brian is getting ready to go and drive truck in ND. He will be gone for 2-3 weeks at a time and then home for 1-2 weeks at a time. It will be a little crazy having him gone but I guess It will start my training of not seeing him because of school. He is also looking into joining the Air force or the National Guard. We will keep everyone updated.

I am still working at Macy's and loving the women I work with even with the drama.  We will see how long I last (haha).

Hayden is doing great he just had his birthday I will have another post about that with pictures.

We love you all !