Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hayden's First Christmas

This Christmas was so much fun. It was Hayden's very first Christmas, he was very excited. He wasn't excattly sure what what happening but knew it was something fun. This year we spend Christmas with my family. Christmas Eve was at Grandma Eckersell's house we have singing, story time, and then a white elephant exchange.

 He loved it when we would all sing.
Our little family Christmas eve.

My dad's white elephant gift as wonderul bath set, and a great new shirt haha.

Cortney got then shower set that has been traveling around our family for the last few years. Sea foam green it beautiful.

Then we headed downstairs for Santa to come and bring us our fun jammies.

Hayden and Santa (Robin)

In their matching Pjs.

The only two little girls, of course they have to do thier cute little poses.

The four little boys.

All the big girl got pjs too.

And the Boys

Christmas Morning at Grandpa Craig's and Grandma Paula's: Most of the Family was able to come home. Adriann, Collin, Garrett, Gabrielle, Patrick, Cortney, (Bun in the oven), Mike, And our family. We missed Jennifer, and Adam's family this year.
This is what Hayden got from Santa and mom and Dad.

We all had a wonderful Christmas. The next day we headed to Fruitland to see all of Brian's family. The majority of Brian's siblings were there it was great to spend time with them.