Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Well the last few months have just flown by. For halloween Brian and I dressed up as greek gods and went to our friends Chet and Karen's house we had so much playing games and eating food. This November we have just been boring going to school and I have been working. The baby is doing well growing fast and being very active. My birthday was on Thanksgiving this year which makes everything very exciting. I was very excited Brian got me a new camera that I have been wanting for awhile, and my mom took me shopping for some much needed maternity clothes. We spent Thanksgiving in Rigby with my family we had dinner at the church because we had such a big group this year. It was so much fun. This December we have both been busy finishing up school and getting our finals done. Christmas shopping is almost done. We are going to spend Christmas in Fruitland with the Christensen family.
This past weekend Brian and I traveled to Utah to spend some time with my sister Adrianne and her family. We went to temple square on Friday night. The night was perfect not too cold it was like 40 degrees. They walked me everywhere we walked from gateway mall to temple square and back. That is a lot of work for being seven and 1/2 months pregnant. Saturday we went shopping and then went on a double date that night with Annie and Collin it was our first experience at a Japanese restaurant with a cook right in front of us. I am not good at catching shrimp in my mouth Brian is good at it though. It was a great weekend and now to finish finals and enjoy the holidays. We love you all Merry Christmas!
Gaby was being so cute.

Garrett didn't want to be in any pictures.

This is the view from upstairs in the Joseph Smith building. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

First Pregnancy photo!

This is me and baby at 26 weeks the time is flying by. Before you know it he will be here kinda scary but we are super excited. As for everything else we are both in school and just doing well. Life is crazy but we manage. I am getting very excited for the holidays coming up I love this time of year. We can't wait to see you all during this time.  We love you all!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our new addition!!!

Brian and I are very excited about our new addition that is coming in January. We are expecting a baby boy on January 26, 2011 for those of you who don't know. We found out in May that I was pregnant, I wasn't sick for the first little bit and then things got worse :). I was sick for the first 3 1/2 months (at least I lost some weight first so I won't gain so much later).  We had our first ultra sound july 21. Then we found out we were having a boy on Sept 8. I am very greatful to only be sick once in awhile now instead of everyday, I am happy to report that I am still in my regular clothes and hopefully will not need to wear them too soon. Thats about it for us in baby news. Now, on to other areas...

Brian and I both started back in school this fall with full schedules. Brian is taking 17 credits and working hard to graduate in April. We are hoping to have applications in to medical school this spring. Brian also took the MCAT Sept 2 but won't receive his score until Oct 5, we hope he did well. He also volunteers down in Idaho Falls at Mountain View Hospital, we will probably be having our baby there if all goes well. I will be graduating this sememster with my associates, and I am still working at curves. We'll see what happens next semester with the baby here if I still work or when I will work :).
We are looking forward to the next few months with family and friends. We love holidays and also our birthdays are coming up and Brian and I are both turing 25 this year. Its crazy! So, We love you all 'til next time.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Month Flies By

Well, another month has passed with nothing too exciting happening for us, but plenty of exciting stuff we've been involved in.

A few weeks ago, I started my internship here in Pocatello working in the Pharmacy department doing research with Dr. Downing. To date, it has been kind of slow because he's relatively new at ISU and we're just beginning his research here. I will likely fill everyone in in a few weeks when I have a little better understanding of what we're doing and what has been done.

Right now, Lerin is visiting her sister, Jen, and family in western Oregon, leaving me here by my lonesome, doing odd jobs around the house/farm when I'm not here in Poky, or reading for my online classes.

I'm taking two online classes this summer so that I can (hopefully) meet requirements for graduation next April. I'm taking Humanities in Western Culture and Teachings of the Living Prophets. I don't understand why most religion classes require more reading, time, and busy work than many of my 3- and 400 level science classes. We'll just say that I have LOTS of reading to do--but it's not bad...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Just an update.

Brian and I are both done with our winter semesters now and grades turned out great for both of us. Brian started his first summer semester with his first ever online classes. He is now getting a taste of what I have been doing for the last year. (not so easy huh?) We recently moved into my parents house to save some money for the summer and this way while Brian is gone all day to his internship in Poky I won't be alone. He has already been busy helping my dad with any jobs my dad can think of ;). So we are definitely earning our rent.
I am still working a curves taking on more hours now. It is also summer for the most part so time to get out the saddle and start my real work and start training horses. I have 2 horses that we have to finish their training. Then I get to start training my baby CJ she is so cute and is now 2 so I am able to start riding her. Brian also helps with the horses he is becoming quite the horseman himself. I appreciate all his help with everything. Thats about it for our family right now hopefully we get to see you all this summer!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Another Busy Week and Fun Weekend!

So this week, we spent relaxing. Lerin still has classes in the afternoon/evening, and I worked with Craig as a farmer--tilling, planting, rolling, etc. I even started working on my yearly farmer tan when I came home thursday night with slightly red arms and neck. It wasn't very severe, and I've since healed and am back to my usual self.

Our week was rather laid back, but our weekend got itself busy. I came home early friday night, so Lerin and I went to a session at the temple here in Rexburg. We had planned to attend the 6:45 session, but arrived a little late and waited until the 7:30 session where we served as the witness couple (a new experience for Lerin). It was good and we enjoyed our time together and in the temple--always a wonderful experience.

Saturday we spent the afternoon babysitting Andrew and Samantha while my sister Rachel coached her volleyball team at a meet up in St. Anthony. Robert had the day off and was also around helping occupy Connor's interests and sweet-tooth ("Thanks Grandpa Kurt!"). We had a good time once the twins were settled down and even got the chance to take Connor to Porter park to play on the playground, which he LOVED!

Speaking of sweet-tooths: I realized how much my dad has influenced my sweet-tooth this week when I was at the gas station, getting candy to keep me awake while on the tractor...I'm sure my siblings could make a guess at what I chose; and they would be right if they said twizzlers. I always remember those as one of dad's favorite candies to buy for road trips or just because. I just had to chuckle when I realized what I was doing and why. . . . . . Love Ya Dad!!!

Anyway, after Rachel came and retrieved her little ones, Lerin and I traveled down to Pocatello to attend our first-ever monster-truck show with our friends Chad, Amy, and their son Braxton. It was SO COOL!!! and SO LOUD!!! but we had a good time and took lots of pictures to prove that we were there. We also observed proof that it is indeed a redneck sport when we saw a 1 year old baby walking around by itself, wearing only a t-shirt, diaper, and socks. . . WOW!!

Well, until next time (whenever that may be). . . TAKE LUCK!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Crazy Week and Weekend.

The week started off by Jennifer, Chandler and Elise coming into town. Brian and I got to spend time with them which was so much fun we have missed them so much. Then by Thursday night most of the rest of the family had arrived in town. This was also Brian's last day of FINALS!!! He is so excited to have a break. He then starts his intership with the INBRE program in Pocatello May 25.

Friday morning was my cousin Rachelle's wedding. Congrates to her and Randy we are so excited for them! Luckly they had a sunny day becuase the weather had been nasty the couple of days before. Later that night we headed down to the Dodge finals Rodeo in poky. My family always go down to that rodeo my dad sit and chat critiquing on all the evens and what they did good or bad.

Saturday Brian and I spent the day cleaning our apartment. We headed down to my parents house and finished getting ready for the reception that night. It was so fun I got to see a lot of my old friends and then they had a dance. Everyone was dancing it was crazy and so much fun. Then Randy and Rachelle rode off on his motorcycle it was awesome. We then headed back to parent's house and play band hero with the family (we tend to get kinda loud). We also had a b-day party for Adrianne her birthday was on April 7. We missed Reynold on saturday it was his 40th birthday but he had to stay home and work. :(
Finally Sunday we had a BBQ at my parents house where we fed between 50 and 60 people. We also had a birthday party for Mitchell his 3rd birthday was actually on tuesday but we decied to celebrate becuase everyone was there. Then by monday everyone was gone it was so sad for everyone to leave. Can't wait for the next big get together.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday night activities.....

So while playing band hero part of the challenge was that the girls had to sing a boy song and boys had to sing a girl song. So Trav decided to sing Nelly...HE DID AWESOME!!!!

Life is Good!

So it's been a while since we've updated our blog and I figure it's my turn to tell the world and all of you how Lerin and I are doing. It is really amazing how fast 5 1/2 months flies by!!! We often wonder how the time can go so fast!

This last month has been a good month for us, outside of all of the troubles with my car, including (from the start of January): a new alternator, new fuel pump, electrical problems, and window problems. Fortunately, I am mechanically inclined and was able to fix everything by myself, saving us lots of money! We like saving money.

Well, we are both back in school now. Lerin is going to classes at the Idaho Falls ISU campus and is enjoying those. I am still up here in Rexburg everyday, and my classes are fun. Hard, but fun.

We spent this afternoon and evening down in Blackfoot with Rob, Whitney, Rach and Trav and the kids watching the superbowl. It was nice to see the Saints take the Colts in the end. Geaux Saints! Connor got his hair cut during halftime and then after the game we all played Band Hero and had a great time!