Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter Sunday

We were so excited to celebrate Hayden's first Easter. We were a little stumped at first as to what to get our little boy. We finally pulled things together and found some fun things for the Easter bunny to leave our family. Below are some fun pics of our Sunday.
 These are our "Easter Baskets" I couldn't find any baskets that I thought were worth purchasing so I figured I could be forgiven this year. Brian got some nice new fitted dress shirts, and I got some new sandals for summer.
 This is Hayden's haul.  I got a little carried away with things I couldn't resist. We decided Hayden needed his first swimming suit since we live only a block from the splash park. He also got some cute clothes, two books and two fun toys. He really likes the rattle we bought him.
 This is Brian carrying Hayden in to the living room so he could see what the Easter bunny left him. He wasn't really very interested in looking that direction.

 He did like to chew on his tooth soothing toy, and his dad helped put it in his mouth right away.
 Me and Hayden.  I decided to give the camera to Brian so I could be part of the fun too.
 This is me attempting to hold Hayden's new swimming suit up for a pic. There are the cute shorts, a rash guard, and the hat which he did not want on at the moment.
 We also got him sunglasses because he doesn't like the sun very much. He hasn't seen very much of it since he's been born.
 I picked out the shorts and the jeans that you see in the next pic and Brian said he needed the shirt with a tie on it for church :) He looks so cute in it.
 These are the first three of our Eckersell baby boom. Hayden was born on Feb 2, Maybri was born March 2, and Little Eli joined the family on April 5. This was the first time they have all been together since Eli was born so we decided we needed to take a pic.

Hayden of course was the only one that was awake at the moment. Luckily he was a happy boy. Brian was playing with him and getting him to smile really big. He was making the cutest noises.