Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our new addition!!!

Brian and I are very excited about our new addition that is coming in January. We are expecting a baby boy on January 26, 2011 for those of you who don't know. We found out in May that I was pregnant, I wasn't sick for the first little bit and then things got worse :). I was sick for the first 3 1/2 months (at least I lost some weight first so I won't gain so much later).  We had our first ultra sound july 21. Then we found out we were having a boy on Sept 8. I am very greatful to only be sick once in awhile now instead of everyday, I am happy to report that I am still in my regular clothes and hopefully will not need to wear them too soon. Thats about it for us in baby news. Now, on to other areas...

Brian and I both started back in school this fall with full schedules. Brian is taking 17 credits and working hard to graduate in April. We are hoping to have applications in to medical school this spring. Brian also took the MCAT Sept 2 but won't receive his score until Oct 5, we hope he did well. He also volunteers down in Idaho Falls at Mountain View Hospital, we will probably be having our baby there if all goes well. I will be graduating this sememster with my associates, and I am still working at curves. We'll see what happens next semester with the baby here if I still work or when I will work :).
We are looking forward to the next few months with family and friends. We love holidays and also our birthdays are coming up and Brian and I are both turing 25 this year. Its crazy! So, We love you all 'til next time.

1 comment:

Jut and Char said...

We are so excited for you two! You will make great parents.