Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hayden's Blessing

We are blessing Hayden on February 27 at 9:30 AM. Our church building is the 9th stake center down the road from the temple. Not the one right next to it, but farther west down the hill.

Simplest way there from the highway: Take the south exit (Exit 332), turn right, stay in right lane and cross RR tracks going straight through the light. Follow the road up and over the hill, University villiage is on the right, our building is on the left.

We will be in the north chapel (under the steeple), and will be having a luncheon after sacrament meeting at my parents' house in Rigby. We love you all and would love to see you there.

1 comment:

Frances M Larrabee said...

I so wish I could come! Congrats you two!