Sunday, April 13, 2008

On the Road Home

Hey all, I had a great time driving home from Rexburg on Friday afternoon. after clean-checks, i grabbed lunch and started out. i stopped in Chubbuck to visit my sister, Rachel, and my nephew Connor, he is such a cool kid!! Anyway, after visiting with them for about 30 minutes, i drove off into the setting sun and took some pretty cool pictures on the way. I'm way proud of myself for being ready, 'cause usually my camera has no battery life left to take pictures or even look at the ones i have taken. they are, some wicked cool, Western-Idaho sunsets.


Gil Garcia Velez said...

HI Brian,

You got really good pictures of sunsets here.

Unluckily, my wife and I didn't get to see much sunsets when we were in the East Coast last December as it was winter.

Cheers from Manila,

Jut and Char said...

Beautiful pics Brian.

Frances M Larrabee said...

Oh my goodness Brian those are so beautiful! Remember when we went and saw the Lunar eclipse? That was beautiful too... thanks again for being awesome! ;)