So, it's been a few months since I blogged last and thought it about time to update you all about my latest goings on.
Since October, I have been through ALOT! The missionary that I was waiting for came home early because of knee injuries, and the girl that I was talking to at the time became my best friend. I ultimately had to choose between them, and thought I had made the right choice to see how things with the missionary panned out, which turned out to be short-lived when she decided after Thanksgiving that things between us would not work. I'll admit: I was heartbroken for about an hour and a half until I realized that, although I really wanted things to work out, I felt the same way. I already had a amazing friend who had been there for me. She was the one I wanted to talked to and constantly pushed me to be the best possible version of me.
My semester ended very well and I pulled away with 3 As and 3 A-minuses...much better than I was expecting. Before i started back to school after the thanksgiving break, I had been asked by my friend (who had moved to Oregon to work for her sister) to help her drive home after the semester ended so she could be home for Christmas. During the next two weeks, we talked nearly every night and learned more about each other as we asked questions during each call.
On Monday after the semester ended, I took a plane to Portland, had lunch with a friend from the mission, and waited to catch a train to Salem, where I met her brother-in-law who drove me the rest of the way to their house in Junction City. I was excited to spend time with her and her "kids" (niece and nephews) as well as my sister and her kids. We stayed through Wednesday morning, then got in her car and drove the 12 or 13 hours across the middle of Oregon. Stayed the night at my parent's house in Fruitland, Idaho, then sent her the rest of the way on to Rigby the next morning.
We talked through the Christmas holiday, and on through New Years. Her nephew, Chandler, had turned 8 in early December and was baptized on Jan. 3rd. She went with her parents and brother back to Oregon to be there for the baptism and on the way back, I met her in Boise to drive the rest of the way to Rexburg for school. We decided during our trip that we were just good friends, and would wait a while before becoming exclusive to each other.
We first met two years ago in January, and are now getting back together. So I decided to repeat our first date by going swimming at Green Canyon with her and some friends. We had a good time and some great fun. Later that night, she decided that it was time to get together officially and that's how it has been since then. I love spending time with her, even if we just spend the whole time doing nothing but talking and holding hands. She has become one of my best friends and we are both excited to see where this relationship will lead us.